Emmeci srl

Safety and Environment

By thoroughly checking our activities and engaging personnel, external logistics and associates we seek for  continuous improvement of our personnel safety and  health, as well as the improvement of our environmental performances. 

Through the application of an Environmental and Safety Management System, our Management makes Human resources, equipment and financial resources available to pursue injuries prevention , environmental protection and pollution prevention.

We pay specific attention to the managing of chemical products (choice, storage and use), consumption control of energy resources and incident prevention.

We are certified UNI ISO 45001:2018  and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.

Our Products Applications

  • Ammortizzatori
  • Automotive
  • Biro
  • Carrelli
  • GPL
  • Impianti frenanti
  • Medicale
  • Motorcycle
  • Oleodinamica
  • Orologi
  • pneumatica
  • Verniciatura e Saldatura